How to make dick bigger at home: can it be done?

The penis is a sensitive organ. To reduce in size in any two months. Are you surprised by this information? For it is enough to use the narrow diameter means sexual satisfaction: be it a young girl or tightly closed hand.

penis enlargement at home

I can increase the member? If you can reduce that , of course, can be increased!

First of all, you need to determine the average size of a penis to a critical attitude towards their own. He is 13-16 inches in length and 3 in diameter for members of the Caucasian race. If the value of your warrior fit in this framework – you should think carefully before proceeding with the following procedures.

How to make dick bigger at home?

So, how to make dick bigger at home? The most effective methods are:

  • jelqing has;
  • massages;
  • extenders;
  • tensile loads;
  • gels, medications, vacuum pump is less effective, used in combination with the basic techniques.

The most important thing that you need to know at the beginning of training to increase members: the immediate results you get. And in addition, complete the regular exercise, you can lose all the achievements obtained in the resistant of building self-esteem.

Let us examine how to make dick bigger at home and on the basis of what the well-known methods.

jelqing has. How does it work?

The principle of building the cm using jelqing has been universal for all massage techniques, this thin area. It is on the basis of the stretching of the corpus cavernosum, which is the structure of the penis. The increase of the diameter – increasing the volume of blood that fills them, for the time of erection. And this, in turn, means to increase the size of his majesty's penis.

jelqing has. Exercise 1

How to make dick bigger at home with jelqing has? First of all, the erectile tissues need to be warmed to increase their resilience. It is necessary to warm up in the pan, table salt, or any of the cereals. Pour the contents of the pan for frying in the toe (of course, in a clean and dry, and not the one who was on one leg at the moment), are applied directly to the penis. You should try to heat the whole surface of the earth, the distribution of the contents of a makeshift heating pad evenly.

jelqing has to be a member

Then proceed to milking - Slavic word "jelqing has". First of all, imagine something spicy, can excite our hero. To be strong, do not: we need only 40-50 percent erection. It is necessary for the partial filling of the cavernous structures of the blood, from which they will be stretched in the implementation of the mechanical influence of the countries.

Continue to be treated in the penis any lubricant is to reduce the irritant effect on his tender skin.

Now, keeping the base folded in a smaller circle with your fingers, the same "ring" floating blood of his head, the realization of the movement after the article. The density of the compression of the fingers are determined individually on the basis of feelings: pain does not need to be, but the voltage should be high. The movement should be slow (up to 35 seconds), with a little pulling it down. Of the head do not touch. Repeat the exercise.

The direction of movement necessary to change the, down, left, right, up.

The duration of the procedure the first time it is better to limit the 40-50-th mentum-ups. In the future, it is advisable to increase that number to two or three hundred. Become experts jelqing has representatives of the stronger sex is permissible and five hundred exercises of the day!

Exercise 2

This exercise stretches the cave of the body with increasing pressure. To do this, enfold article the entire surface of the palm from the grip held not less than ten seconds. If the hand does not cover the whole surface of the "heroes", it is acceptable to use the second. Compressible without fanaticism, in order not to hurt the blood vessels and cavernous structures. Retard article according to the above directions.

With proper and regular exercise in jelqing has, the result may surprise even the most prolonged of the owner of the penis. A minimum of 2 inches of growth in one month of training you can expect. Combination with other methods increases the efficacy of the intervention.

How to enlarge cock extender

One of the most effective ways to increase member use of the device with the strange name "extender".

It looks like the two rings are connected with a sliding metal or plastic rods. The locking member of the one ring at the base, others are the same – head "warrior", the periodically increasing of the distance between them with the increase of the length of the rods, wear constantly for a few months. Due to the ease and small extender wearing it causes no discomfort. The murder caused an erection measured. The results are visible: three inches of increased length. Correct, carry on.

extender for penis enlargement

Extender. The principle of the thing

How to make dick bigger at home by using the extender? Member stretched between the rings makes it to stretch your structure, but it also encourages increased development of tissue, as the body tries to get rid of uncomfortable for him tension, initiating growth of the cells, to compensate for deficient tissues. Brilliant – just.

The difference penis enlargement extender from all other methods is guaranteed and lasting results. It is a strong size of the "heroes" will remain forever.

There are several types of extenders:

  • vacuum;
  • the waist;
  • cerritulus.

Are the most comfortable vacuum and the waist extenders, the loop and more popular because of lower cost, despite some pain. Each ruler chooses the phallus as for the increase of the penis size, on the basis of their own conclusions. To purchase these useful devices are available in the online stores and also in every sex shop in the country.

On the same principle, but free

On the basis of the same principle at work in the tension member loads that are pinned on him. The efficiency is not so high, because of more infrequent events than with the extender.

The head of the penis, it is necessary to lay down a wide strip of adhesive tape is securely fastened with a drawstring. By the end of the string tied aid: a small first, with the passage of time and the number of procedures increases. The activity is best done in a sitting position, no more than fifteen minutes for the first session. In the following the duration of the exercise and the heavy load is gradually increasing. And to avoid the stiffness of the head! Periodically remove the band-aid, allowing the little friend to rest.

Penis enlargement with the help of drugs, gels and ointments

medicines for penis enlargement

Is it real? How you can increase the member using the fat? In General, in any way. The principle of operation is very primitive: the increase of blood flow to the sex organ. Is valid for not more than two hours with few exceptions. Increase unstretched article it brings.

And with drugs, which are a bit more effective than the gels, you need to be vigilant. They are based on hormones. It is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Further, these drugs can lead to excessive sexuality. Itself is not too bad, but in the context of hormonal disorders can bring a lot of problems.